EROS NOW is one of the best streaming applications that offers content of your choice in different categories. To watch your favorite content, you need to navigate the web browser to the EROS NOW official website and sign into your account. On the activation window, visit the activate login website, enter the activation code and then click on the activate option. You can easily stream the EROS NOW on different compatible devices.
How to Register on Eros Now for activation?
To register on Eros Now for activation, follow the instructions:
- Navigate the activate login official website on any web browser.
- Click on the signup option, and it will open the registration window.
- Fill out all the basic details in the required fields.
- Enter your desired username and then set 8-character password.
- It will send an OTP to your email ID for verification.
- Also, you can change your EROS NOW account password.
- Your EROS NOW account has been successfully created.
NOTE: You need to follow a few steps to activate EROS NOW on Smart TV, Roku TV, Samsung TV, and Fire TV. You just need to follow the steps and launch the EROS NOW on compatible devices.
How to Activate EROS now via activate login?
To Activate EROS NOW on different devices, follow the instructions:
Smart TV:
Here’s the complete guide to activate the EROS NOW, read carefully:
- Turn on your smart TV and make sure that your device is connected to a strong internet connection.
- Click on the application store from the Smart TV home screen.
- Search the EROS NOW application and select the appropriate application.
- Once the installation procedure is completed, then open EROS NOW on your smart TV.
- Click on the sign-in option and check for the option of “Activate” or “Enter Activation Code.”
- Navigate the web browser to EROS NOW and then activate the website.
- On the TV screen, you’ll get the activation code, and then it will display the activation box.
- Enter the activation code and then click on the Activate option.
- After some time, it will automatically complete the activation procedure.
- Sign in to your EROS NOW account, and then you should have access to run the application.
- Remember, activation of this application depends on the brand and model of the smart TV.
- Follow the on-screen instructions for running the channels.
Roku TV:
Here’s the complete guide to activating the EROS now; read carefully:
- Turn on your Roku device and click on the “App Section”.
- Type “EROS NOW” in the search section and download the EROS NOW application.
- Once the downloading procedure is completed, click on the “Add Channel” option.
- After launching the EROS NOW application, it will show the activation code.
- Navigate the web browser to the EROS NOW official website and connect your device with a strong internet connection.
- Click on the signing-in option and enter the activation code.
- Click on the Activate option.
- After successful activation then follow the on-screen instructions for running channels.
Amazon Fire TV:
Here’s the complete guide to activate the EROS NOW, read carefully:
- Turn on your Amazon Fire TV and open the application store.
- Type “EROS NOW” in the search section and download the EROS NOW app on Fire TV.
- Once the downloading procedure is completed, select the sign-in option.
- Note down the activation code and visit the website.
- Sign into your account, and it will show you the activation code.
- Enter the activation code and click on the activate option.
- Now, stream your favorite content and watch your favorite content.
Read More: activate code
Samsung TV:
Here’s the complete guide to activating the EROS now; read carefully:
- Turn on your Samsung TV and open the app store.
- Type “EROS NOW” in the search section and select the appropriate application.
- Click on the download option and download the EROS NOW app on your Samsung TV.
- After completing the downloading procedure, then click on the sign-in option.
- It shows you the activation code on the TV screen; note it down.
- Now, navigate the web browser to the website.
- Sign in to your EROS NOW account, and then it will display the activation code.
- Stream your favorite content and watch your favorite shows.