Social Security Card (SSN) is a legal government document. For some reason, if you lost your SSN card you can apply for a replacement card but you can’t buy a fake social security card. You can get your replacement card through the Social Security Administration (SSA) website, by visiting a local SSA office, or through the mail.
The Penalties According to the Social Security Administration
Buying a fake Social Security Card is not only extremely difficult but extremely dangerous. Section 141 of the Social Security Handbook makes some statements that address the acts the agency will prosecute:
- You may be prosecuted for criminal fraud for knowingly furnishing false information as to your identity in connection with the establishment and maintenance of Social Security records.
- If you use a fake Social Security Card and get caught, the penalties upon conviction depend on the charges against you, the benefits you sought to obtain by using the number, and your immigration status.
- Section 141 also describes a wide range of penalties upon conviction of these crimes, which include fines ranging from $500 to $10,000, imprisonment, or both. Terms of imprisonment range from one to 15 years.
Process of Getting a Replacement Social Security Card
You can get the Replacement Social Security Card by following the three steps given below :
- Firstly, you will need to collect some important original documents or copies certified by the issuing agency. Your all documents must be up to date because SSA will not accept expired documents. These documents are :
- Citizenship: You must show proof of your U.S. citizenship such as a U.S. birth certificate or a U.S. passport.
- Age: Show proof of your age with a birth certificate, U.S. hospital birth record, U.S. passport, or religious record made before the age of 5 showing your date of birth.
- Identity: Prove your identity by showing a U.S. driver’s license, state-issued ID card, U.S. passport or employee ID card, school ID card, military ID card, or health insurance card (not a Medicare card).
- Now open Social Security Administration (SSA) website and create an SSA account if you don’t have an account.
- Then create an SSA account login into your SSA account with credentials and fill out the application form for your social security card.
- After filling, out the application form takes a printout, and bring your application and the original documents to the local SSA office.
This process takes about 5 days. After 5 days, you can collect your replacement Social security card from the local SSA office.
We have concluded all the information here in this blog. Hope you like it! Thank you for read this.