Telegram, a cloud messaging application created by Russian businessman Pavel Durov, gained more than 70 million new customers in October in a single day. 2021. Membership growth due to Facebook outage has affected WhatsApp, Messenger and Instagram users for the messaging service.
The six-hour break highlighted confidence issues with critical technology service providers. “The daily growth of the Telegram has been standardized and we welcome more than 70 million refugees from other platforms in one day,” said the petitioner. Durov was writing on his Telegram channel at the time.
Pavel Durov is the owner of Telegram
Pavel Durov, a 37-year-old technology entrepreneur from Russia, created and owns the Telegram messaging app. Durov’s net worth, currently estimated by Forbes at $17.2 billion, stems from the success of both Telegram and another company he founded, VKontakte (VK).
Durov ranked 112th on the Forbes Billionaires List of 2021. He founded VKontakte to build Russia’s largest social network at the age of 22 and in 2015 sold a 12 percent stake in the company for $ 300 million. His work in a niche on social networks made him a “Russian Zuckerberg.”
In 2013, the Telegram was launched. According to the company’s website, Pavel supports “Telegram financially and ideologically, while Nikolaj’s input technology”. Nikolai Durov, Pavl’s brother, created a unique custom data protocol for Telegram. In 2018, the Durov brothers simultaneously received $ 1.7 billion from investors to create TON, a new telegram-based blockchain system.
What are the top features of Telegram?
Given the popularity of other Facebook-owned messaging applications, such as WhatsApp, Instagram and Messenger, users may wonder what makes Telegram different. Aside from an alternative to interruptions, such as the one in October 2021, Telegram says it is faster than any other application available.
- Groups up to 200,000 members.
- Access calls on multiple devices.
- Send news, photos, videos and files of any kind.
- Possibility for secret conversations specific to devices with self-destructive content.
- Open the API and code so users can create their own telegram applications. It uses less than 100 MB on your device.
- Private messages are free without ads.
How to Use Telegram App it
Telegram can be used and installed just like other messaging applications. You can download it from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store – look for the paper aircraft logo. After activating the welcome screen, you will be asked to enter your phone number and then add your name and photo. The next step is to find friends and start a conversation.
The application can be used on smartphones, tablets, laptops and desktops. Telegram is available for Android, iOS, Windows Phone, Windows NT, macOS and Linux.