: How to play Minesweeper on Google?

Play Minesweeper on Google : To play Minesweeper on Google, search minesweeper on google and click play button.

You can get access to play the game whether you want to download the Minesweeper Google version or play Minesweeper online on Google. First, we’ve to open the Google Minesweeper on your device so that the game start begins.

Responsive Way: For Minesweeper Google play you need to first search for the Minesweeper game. Select the game and it will automatically start begins the Minesweeper game. You can use the mouse(Desktop) or touch(Android) to click on the square to reveal the hidden square. If you click on the mine square then the game is over.

Play Minesweeper on Google:-

Learn steps to play Minesweeper Google Game:

  • Open Google and click on the address bar to search for the Minesweeper Game.

NOTE: There is no need to download the Minesweeper game you can play online on Google.

  • It will show you some results of the Minesweeper game so click on the first suggestion. Now, click on the Play option.
  • Choose Difficulty Level: You’ve to select the difficulty level to play the Minesweeper game.
    • Easy: Grid of nine-by-nine(9×9) mines.
    • Medium: Grid of sixteen-by-sixteen(16×16) forty mines.
    • Expert: Grid of thirty-by-sixteen(30×16) mines.
  • After selecting the difficulty level it will start begins the game. Click anywhere on the field to unhide the square number.
  • Reveal the Square number carefully because any number on the board refers to the number of mines. If you’re unsure about any square then double-click on the square to put the question mark(?).
  • If the square has the number then click on the left, right, up, or down square. Your motive is to click on the squares that don’t contain mines.
  • Once you clear the squares you’ll win the Minesweeper game. If you click on the mine then the game is over.

Tricks to Win Minesweeper Game on Google:

Below we mentioned the 4 tricks to play free Minesweeper:

  • Keep Guessing: In this game, you need to guess the square before you reveal it. This technique is completely based on your luck or guessing.
  • Be careful before clicking: Before clicking on any square you need to watch carefully and be careful with your mouse. A random click on any square can stuck you with the consequences so be patient and think before you move.
  • Start from the center of Minesweeper: Start playing Minesweeper by clicking in the middle of the board and work with your way out to the edges. So, we advised you to start playing the game from the middle of the board.
  • Acknowledge Patterns: Once you start playing the game you’ll get some knowledge of playing and you can also easily recognize the patterns in the way mines are. Recognizing patterns can help you to guess the correct square before the reveal.