Private Internet Access (PIA) is a personal VPN service. It enables users to encrypt their network traffic and stay protected when surfing the web. Add privacy and security to private and public networks when you browse the Internet and use Wi-Fi, whether connected to a hotspot or at home. It offers a robust VPN service with advanced network settings, an excellent app interface, and strong speed test scores. If you want to secure your personal data from scammers and hackers who can use your information for unfair practices which can cause you trouble, then you can use this type of VPN application.
Methods to Uninstall Private Internet Access
To Uninstall PIA VPN software can resolve a lot of issues that can occur with the VPN. There are two methods to Uninstall PIA.
Method-1 : Uninstall Private Internet Access in Manual Way
Follow below Steps to Uninstall PIA on your device in Manual Way :
- Right-click the Start menu. Now you will see many options. Double click Task Manager option and open it.
- Search and select the Private Internet Access program > click End task. This step will make sure the whole uninstalling process won’t be interrupted due to the PIA still is running in the background.
- Click Start menu and tap Windows Settings option.
- Now you will see Windows Settings page, search the Apps item. Click on Apps option.
- In the Apps option here are the list of Apps & features, scroll down to select Private Internet Access program and click Uninstall button.
- Now on the screen you will see the pop-up message, in which it ask for “you would like to uninstall Private Internet Access right now”, if yes then click on “YES”.
- Now, it is the time to delete all left components of the PIA program. Right-click on Start menu, click Run, type ‘regedit’ in Open box and press Enter key or click OK to open the Registry Editor window. Click Edit, then click Find… option in the drop-down list. type Private Internet Access in Find what box > click Find Next. In the search results, find and delete files related with the Private Internet Access program
- Open the Start menu to click on start menu and type %LOCALAPPDATA%\Private Internet Access in the Search box to find your app data, and open it. Delete folders related with the PIA program.
- Delete all data of Recycle Bin to empty your Recycle Bin and Restart your computer.
Method-2 : Uninstall Private Internet Access in Total Uninstaller
Follow below Steps to Uninstall PIA on your device in Total Uninstaller :
- Download and Install Total Uninstaller on your device, tap on Private Internet Access and click ‘Run Analysis’ at lower-left corner.
- Now click ‘Complete Uninstall’ and click on ‘Yes’ option to start uninstalling the Private Internet Access from your device.
- Click ‘Scan Leftovers’. This will collect all leftovers of Private Internet Access, wait for a minute.
- Click ‘Delete Leftovers’ and click ‘Yes’ to remove all things about the Private Internet Access program.
- All leftovers relevant with the Private Internet Access program have been successfully removed. Now tap OK.
- For check PIA is successfully uninstall or not again open Total Uninstaller and find PIA. If its not find Restart your computer.
If you want to download Total Uninstaller to Uninstall Private Internet Access click below link :
We have described all the information related to Uninstall Private Internet Access in this blog. Hope you have got your problem’s solution! Thanks for reading this article. If you want to know How to Uninstall Defender Security App from device Click Here.