Google map is a type of online mapping app which is usually use for finding locations, regions and areas. It is a best app for someone who is new in the city so that, he/she will able to find any location, regions and areas. It provides turn by turn directions to reach to the location. It helps people in travelling.
It uses to navigate new places to the strangers.It provides you the GPS capability. We can use Google maps in Android Phones, Tablet. Now days, our car engineers also provides map in cars.
Related:- who is google
Features of Google Maps
- It gives you the updated information about your destination.
- It provides you verbal instructions so that, you can also focus on your driving. Also, Add multiple locations.
- It shows you the duration of arrival to our destination.
- It also shows the pictures of your destination.
Google Maps helps us to find
Local Markets, Hotels or Restaurants, Schools, Adventures Places, Shopping Malls, Cinemas, Parks & Swimming Pools, Hospitals, Offices & Institutes, Colonies & Areas…and so on.
Benefits of Google Maps
- To arrive early
- Less traffic
- Easy to travel
- Distance is measurable
- See the pictures of our destinations
- It also tells you the parking slot
- finding destinations
- Verbal instructions & so on.
- Google Maps provides spoken, turn-by-turn directions to a destination.
Does Google Maps Work Offline?
Yes,We can use google map offline.Firstly, search your destination and if your internet connection is slow or down then,offline maps will guide you and help you to reach at your destination.But offline functions of map are limited.
How to Delete History in Google Maps?
- Firstly, You have to download google map from play store in your Android Phone or Tablet.
- Now Sign in with your Gmail or Phone Number.
- Now tap on your Profile or to your Personal details.
- Then tap on Settings and open all history.
- Then select place you want to delete.
How to Delete Some Places History from Google Maps?
- Open google map & Sign in on your Android Phone or Tablet.
- Now tap on your profile picture.
- Then tap on your settings and open history.
- Then select the location of place which you want to delete.
- Then tap to the place, remove and delete.
How to Delete All Places History from Google Maps?
- Open google map and Sign in on your Android Phone or tablet.
- Now tap on your profile picture.
- Tap on settings and then tap on history.
- In the search bar,tap on more and then delete all history.