How to take print screen in laptop?

Print Screen (often abbreviated Print Scrn, Prnt Scrn, Prt Scrn, Prt Scn, Prt Scr, Prt Sc, Pr Sc or PS) is a key present on most PC keyboards. It is typically situated in the same section as the break key and scroll lock key. The print screen may share the same key as system request. In this article we will explain about how to take print screen in laptop.

Print screen in laptop:

Print Screen (PrtScn) is the easiest way to take a screenshot on Windows. To capture your entire screen, just press PrtScn on the top-right side of your keyboard.
Full-screen: Take a picture of your entire screen
Rectangular: The shape of a rectangle for your screen.
Free-form: Draw free-hand with your cursor
Window: Select a specific window to capture
If you want to know how to take a screenshot on Windows, click on the link for details on how to take a screenshot using the PrtScn button.

How to use print screen in windows and microsoft paint ?

We see its steps using print screen

On windows:

Using the print screen Shortcut on windows to take screenshot then follow these steps:

print screen key
  • Press Win+PrtScn on the keyboard.
  • Once the screenshot is ready, it will be saved to your Pictures folder in a sub-folder called Screenshots.
  • Click the Image titled File_Explorer_Icon.png File Explorer icon. It’s on the bar that usually runs across the bottom of the screen.
show pictures
  • Open your Pictures folder. You’ll usually find it under “This PC” in the left panel of the File Explorer.
  • Double-click the Screenshots folder. It’ll be in the right panel. This displays all of the screenshots you’ve captured.
see screenshot
  • Double-click your screenshot. It’s the most recent file. This displays your screenshot.
  • Print the screenshot. If you want to send your screenshot to the printer, follow these steps:
  • Press Ctrl+P to open the print dialog.
  • Select your printer.
  • Then click Print.

On microsoft Paint:

For how to use Print Screen on Microsoft Paint, you can read the steps below:

prtsc key on laptop
  • Press the PrtScr key on your keyboard. It’s usually in the top row of keys. This takes a snapshot of the entire screen and copies it to the clipboard.
  • If you’re using Windows XP, see the Using Windows XP method.
  • Depending on your laptop, the PrtScr key may be shared with another F keys. If this is the case, you’ll usually have to press another button that says Fn as you press PrtScr.
search bar
  • Open the Start menu and click All Programs.
start menu
  • Click the Accessories menu and select Paint. This opens Microsoft Paint, an image-editing program from which you can print the screenshot.
select paint and open it
  • Click the Home tab and select Paste. The Paste option is on the “Clipboard” panel in the toolbar along the top. You will now see your screenshot in MS Paint.
save option
  • Click the File menu and select Save.
  • Name the file and click Save image file.
  • Print the screenshot. If you’d like to send a copy of the image to your printer, follow these steps:
  • Click the File menu. It’s at the top-left corner of the app.
  • Click Print.

For more information about to take screenshot on windows and macbook then you can see how to do a screenshot? and how to take a screenshot on a macbook pro? click on links.