What is an argument in javascript?

The argument in JavaScript is a functional language, meaning that functions are the primary modular execution units. Functions are obviously very important in JavaScript. When talking about a function, parameter and argument are often used interchangeably as if they were the same thing but there is a very subtle difference.

  • Parameters are variables listed as a part of the function definition.
  • Arguments are the values ​​that are passed while invoking the function.

Javascript function with parameters or arguments

A function with parameters or arguments accepts some values ​​when it is called. Basically, arguments are the values ​​that you pass to a function, which has corresponding parameters to store them.

Feature of Javascript –

Scripting language and not Java: In fact, JavaScript has nothing to do with Java. Then why is it called “Java” script? When JavaScript was first released it was called Mocha, later renamed LiveScript, and then JavaScript when Netscape (the installation of JavaScript) and Sun entered into a license agreement.

  • An object-based scripting language that supports polymorphism, encapsulation, and to some extent also inheritance.

Interpreted Language: It does not need to be compiled like Java and C which require a compiler.

JavaScript runs in the browser: You can run it on Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari, etc. JavaScript can execute not only in the browser but also on the server and any device that has a JavaScript engine.

Currently, we have 100 programming languages ​​and new languages ​​are being created every day. Some of these are powerful languages ​​that bring big changes in the market and JavaScript is one of them.

JavaScript has always been on the list of popular programming languages. According to StackOverflow, for the 6th year in a row, JavaScript remains the most popular and commonly used programming language.

What is an argument object in JavaScript?


  • An argument is an object that is accessible inside a function that contains the values ​​of the arguments passed to that function.
  • The Arguments object is only available inside non-arrow functions. Although it is not an array, we can access the elements using the index, and it has a length property that holds the number of arguments passed to the function.
  • The arguments object contains all the arguments passed during the function call, even if the function declaration does not have as many parameters.

We can update the value of the arguments:

  1. If we change the value of a parameter inside a function without any rest, default, or reconstituted parameters, it will be updating in the argument object and vice versa.
  2. But if we use rest, default, or reconstituted parameters in a function, there will be no synchronization between arguments and variables.


  • Length → contains the number of arguments passed to the function.
  • The callee → contains the currently executing function reference.

What are the uses of argument in javascript?

JavaScript is a lightweight object-orient programming language made use of by many websites for scripting webpages. It is an interpreted, full-blown programming language. JavaScript enables dynamic interactivity across websites when applied to an HTML document.

Let us discuss the uses of JavaScript. Some of the uses of JavaScript are shown in the following figure.

  1. Web Application

As browsers are getting better day by day, JavaScript has gained popularity for building robust web applications. We can understand this by taking the example of Google Maps. Maps only require the user to click and drag the mouse; Details are visible with just one click. Behind these concepts lies the use of JavaScript.

  1. Web Development

JavaScript is commonly useing to create web pages. It allows us to add dynamic behavior to the webpage and add special effects to the webpage. On websites, it is mainly use for verification purposes.

  1. Mobile Application

Using JavaScript, we can also build an application for non-web contexts. The features and uses of JavaScript make it a powerful tool for building mobile applications. Using React Native, we can create mobile applications for various operating systems.

  1. Games

JavaScript is germane to making games. It has various libraries and frameworks for making games. The game can be either 2D or 3D. Some JavaScript game engines like Physics, and Pixi.js help us create web games.

  1. Presentations

JavaScript also helps us to create presentations in the form of websites. The libraries RevealJs, and BespokeJs can be germane to creating web-based slide decks. They are easy to use, so we can easily create something amazing in less time.

Note: We hope to be able to understand argument in javascript.