Photoshop is an image creation, graphic design, photo retouching and editing software, developed by Adobe. It provides many image editing features for pixel-based images, raster graphics and vector graphics. Since, it uses a layer-based editing system that enables raster image creation and altering with multiple overlays that support transparency.
Photoshop provides users the ability to create, enhance, or edit images, artwork, and illustrations. Changing backgrounds, simulating a real-life painting, or creating an alternative view of the universe are all possibilities with Adobe Photoshop. This software can also create website designs, logos and other digital art.
Related : How to photoshop a picture?

Now a days, it became an integral part to many diverse industries such as publishing, Web design, medicine, film, advertising, engineering, and architecture.
Photoshop is a premium adobe tool that comes with a ‘7-days free trial‘ period. As it is a very popular tool among photographers and graphic designers.
How to Download Photoshop for Free on PC?
- First of all, click the link and the official Adobe Photoshop download page will open in a new tab.
- Then click on the free trial button located on the menu bar as you’ll see.
- After that choose the package that fits your needs and requirements. The packages are as shown below:

- Enter a valid details (email address) in the provided space and click the Continue button. Remember which email address you use, as this will be your Adobe username also.
- Next, You will need to enter your credit card or PayPal information.
NOTE: But you won’t be charged until the end of your 7-day free-trial.
- After the payment process is approved, you can create a password and click the Complete Account button.
- Then the installation file will automatically download to your computer. When it’s done, open it to run the installation wizard.
- The Setup Wizard will open with a page about entering your password to begin the installation. Next, click Continue to start.
- Adobe’s Creative Cloud will automatically begin to download after the above step. While installing, there will be several survey questions during the installation process.
- When the Creative Cloud installation is complete after all necessary procedures, it will automatically begin installing Photoshop. That’s it!
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What types of projects are best for Photoshop?
Photoshop is ideally for creating graphics and layouts for print projects like newspapers, magazines and posters. It can create website designs, logos and other digital art as well.
We can save edited images in multiple file formats in Photoshop, including those suitable for the web (JPEG, PNG, GIF) or printing (TIFF).
What are the features of Photoshop?
Photoshop comes with a variety of features, fonts, effects, and brush or pen tools. Here are some of the most common ones:
- Brushes, are most commonly used and popular tools in Photoshop. They can be used for various effects, including compositing, painting, erasing and retouching images.
- The Clone Stamp, allows us to copy pixels from one area of an image and paste them into another area as per our requirement. This is mainly useful for repairing damaged or corrupt images.
- The Healing Brush, is very much similar to Clone Stamp, but it blends the copied pixels with the surrounding pixels for a more natural look.
- The History Brush, it allows you to revert an image to its previous state. This is useful for undoing mistakes or going back to a point in your workflow where you were happy with the image.
- Blur, blurs the pixels in an image, making them less distinct. This can be used to create a soft, dreamy look or reduce the appearance of wrinkles and other imperfections.
- Sharpen, it’s just the opposite of Blur, making pixels more distinct. This can be useful for making an image appear more transparent or creating a more dramatic effect.
- Dodge and Burn, these tools are used to lighten or darken areas of an image. These are commonly used in photo retouching to make objects appear more defined.
- The Sponge tool, it can either absorb or release color from an image. This is useful for correcting colors that are too light or too dark.
What is the recent version of Photoshop?
The most recent version, Photoshop 2022 (desktop), is version 23.3.1 released in April 2022, while Adobe released the latest cloud version in October of 2021.