HP printer error 59.F0 occurs when there is a problem with transfer alienation or problem with SR9 sensor. It happens due to failure of internal motor of the printer or fuser motor.
Causes of HP Printer Error 59.F0 :
- Due to failure of the transfer alienation,
- May be issue with the SR9 sensor.
- Problem with internal motor of the printer.
How to fix HP Printer Error 59.F0 ?
Reset the printer :
First turn on the printer and change or reset the printer settings. Now, you have to remove the Surge protector and check the problems is resolved if not, move on the next method.
Reset the ITB :
Reset and check the internal connections of the printer like ITB and a transfer-roller-disengagement sensor. DC controller PCA also known as connector J128.
Test the ITB :
- First, turn off the printer and disconnect the printer wire from the switches.
- Secondly, remove and test the ITB completely.
- If you find damage flag then replace the ITB.
- Now, check the sensor SR9 and locate the Sensor SR9 located inside the ITB cavity.
- Press the “HOME” button > “diagnostics” button.
- Click on the “OKAY” button > “Manual Sensor Test”.
- Release the SR9 flag and check the display for the sensor.
Contact HP Technical Help :
HP team is most highly qualified who can easily resolves your errors or problems. They can also make some necessary corrections. There are many service numbers on the HP website you can contact to HP team. You can also mail them and also attach the pictures so that they can easily understand.
Conclusion :
We are discussing here about the HP Printer Error 59.F0 in which you will get all the procedures and steps to fix Error. As we all know that there are so many errors our HP printer faced. If you want to know about the fixing the HP Printer Error e1, e2, e3, e4, 19a0020, e9, 30, 0xc19a0003, Dot4_001 Error you can get information by clicking here.